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How Angelic Mastery Began

I feel in some ways I feel as if I have come full circle. I have been working with the angels for many years now. In a way Angelic Mastery was the first healing modality I ever created on my own and it all began fourteen years ago...

In 2005 as I was transitioning from offering clients healing techniques I learned from others to healing techniques I downloaded from my soul and guides, I created Angelic Mastery sessions for healing emotions, thoughts and personality stuff. But I never developed a practitioner training program for that body of work because I got swept up in other things.

Last month one of my old clients decided to begin working with clients and she wanted to get attuned for some of the original Angelic Mastery sessions I created fourteen years ago. It inspired me to check in again with that modality and see if it was time to create the practitioner training program I had always meant to do but never got around to it.

I thought at first that it would be fairly simple. I would just put together all of the old Angelic Mastery sessions and attune people to transmit them. But the more I looked at it, the more I realized that I had an opportunity here to re-examine and re-invision.

The first thing that came up was that I had learned and grown a lot over the last fifteen years and that I wanted the modality to cover more areas. When I originally created Angelic Mastery, I didn’t have much experience working with the Elohim Councils of Love and the Overlighting Devas of Healing and DNA.

So the first huge change I made was to add the frequencies of the Elohim Councils of Love and Healing and especially the Over-Lighting Devas of Earth, Healing, DNA and the Body to the modality. The Elohim are the builders of Spirit. They are very focused on the physical creation and evolution of not only the planet but also human beings and every species living on the planet.

From a healing point of view they know more about the human body and genetics than anyone really since they are the spiritual beings responsible for creating and evolving the planet and all beings on the planet.

In a very simplified way the angels are very connected to the spiritual realms whereas the Elohim are largely responsible for the material realm of creation. Since each human being is basically a soul encased in flesh, in order to achieve holistic healing on all levels – genetic, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual - both the material and spiritual aspects of humanity must be looked at and addressed.

The combination of Angelic and Elohim frequencies to the Angelic and Elohim Mastery Healing Modality sessions logarithmically increases the power of the sessions because it addresses both the physical/material aspects of healing in additional to the spiritual aspect. Calling upon the power of the Over-Lighting Devas of Healing and DNA hugely increase the physical and genetic healing abilities of the modality.

The role of the angels in this healing modality is to help the person receiving healing to release low vibration, fear-oriented, negative, dysfunctional and toxic energies, weaknesses, imbalances, illness and disease states, patterns, programs, beings and influences and to replace them with unconditional love and core Source Energy. They asl help us to align the healing and clearing with our heart and soul and to upgrade the health wellbeing and functioning of our chakras, meridians and nadis.

The role of the Elohim and Overlighting Devas in this healing modality is to help the person receiving the healing to actually embody the healing physically, genetically and mentally. They do this largely by aligning the areas being cleared, healed and upgraded by the angels with the original divine ideal energetic blueprints for the physical body, genetics and mental body of the person receiving the healing.

They utilize physical, genetic and minds/brains healing profiles to clear out the energetic and genetic weaknesses and to restore the original blueprints for the body, genetics and mind that do not have these weaknesses and imbalances. This helps each person receiving one of these healings to actually embody the healing on all levels.

Another important aspect of this modality is that these sessions include a lot of energetic re-scripting. So in a Angelic and Elohim Emotional Mastery session, not only are the negative emotions, feelings and beliefs cleared out, healed, released and dissolved with love but also the angels and devas help us to rescript the past of the person receiving the session to clear out as much of the imprints, memories and cellular memories as can be done at the time with ease and grace.

By tapping into the power and strengths of both the Angelic and Elohim kingdoms of consciousness, we are able to create a holistic modality that reflects the dual material and spiritual nature of each human being.

The Ten Lines of Angelic and Elohim Mastery Sessions

  1. Angelic and Elohim Healing Mastery (73 sessions): This line of sessions improves and upgrades the health, wellbeing and functioning of our chakras, systems, organs and the most common illness and disease states.

  2. Angelic and Elohim Emotional Mastery (140 sessions): This line of sessions clears, transmutes, heals, evolves, dissolves, un-creates and destroys with love all negative, fearful, unloving, toxic and dysfunctional emotions, beliefs, feelings, thoughts and attitudes.

  3. Angelic and Elohim Mental Mastery (72 sessions): This line of sessions clears, transmutes, heals, evolves, dissolves, un-creates and destroys with love all negative, fearful, unloving, toxic and dysfunctional random inner dialog/self talk, psychological archetypes and subpersonalities.

  4. Angelic and Elohim Mindset Mastery (46 sessions): This line of sessions clears, transmutes, heals, evolves, dissolves, un-creates and destroys with love all negative, fearful, unloving, toxic and dysfunctional mindsets.

  5. Angelic and Elohim Trauma Mastery (48 sessions): This line of sessions clears, transmutes, heals, evolves, dissolves, un-creates and destroys with love all negative, fearful, unloving, toxic and dysfunctional trauma from past events.

  6. Angelic and Elohim Behavioral Mastery (59 sessions): This line of sessions clears, transmutes, heals, evolves, dissolves, un-creates and destroys with love all negative, fearful, unloving, toxic and dysfunctional fears, phobias, bad habits and addictions.

  7. Angelic and Elohim Soul Mastery (33 activations): These activations function a little differently from the other ones in that this series of activations help infuse the light and love of the soul directly into our energetic fields and spaces. This is really a HUGE cosmic dispensation of grace and should help accelerate our spiritual growth and evolution.

  8. Angelic and Elohim Financial Mastery Activations (28 activations): This line of activations helps us to heal our relationship with money so we can have more of it.

  9. Angelic and Elohim Relationship Mastery Activations (25 activations): This line of activations helps us to improve our existing relationships and to help us to create a network of relationships that supports us energetically.

  10. Angelic and Elohim Spiritual Mastery Activations (24 activations): This line of activations helps each of us to accelerate our spiritual growth, mastery and evolution and to grow through joy.

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