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21 Days to Financial Peace of Mind

I found this experience to be very interesting and much different from the previous 21 program for skyrocketing your vibration. I've listed some benefits below which have already come to fruition:

Increased creativity;
Improved productivity;

I am so happy with the results and I know much more is to come as I continue to integrate the new energies / programming.

- Roshawn H

I was so excited by the successful launch of the 21 Days Program to Skyrocket Your Vibration that I decided to create ANOTHER 21-day program: 21 Days to Financial Peace of Mind.


If you’re not AT PEACE with money, you’re LOSING MONEY.

Years of experience have taught me this very valuable lesson: you have to be at peace with money to attract MORE money. A HUGE chunk of this process consists of clearing, healing and releasing the inner blocks that hold you back from MONEY, ABUNDANCE and SUCCESS.

These blocks have been placed by external factors such as our parents and various religious institutions, as well as mass consciousness. I have dedicated this comprehensive program SOLELY to getting you at peace with money and releasing ALL the negativity that has been ingrained into you over the years, getting you on the path of financial well-being and off the slippery road of constant financial stress and anxiety.

Some of the areas we will master in this program include:

Clearing Financial Stress, Anxiety, Tension and Worry;

Clearing Money Anger, Rage, Resentment and Envy;

Clearing the Money Fears (Fear of Success, Fear of Failure, Fear that there is Not Enough Money); 

Are YOU Ready to Make a Quantum Leap?

One of the questions, clients often ask me is why is it so hard for me to clear, heal and release an imbalance, issue, challenge or condition. Often an imbalance reflects a lot of hidden unresolved issues in our consciousness. In a way the imbalance, challenge, issue or condition is just the tip of the iceberg. it is what everyone sees but what most people do not realize is that the bulk of the issue lies buried beneath the surface.

I created this series of focused, accelerated healing programs to help people to release a lot of hidden underlying stuff so that they can clear and heal the iceberg more quickly and effectively. Each of these program contains over 20 mp3 audio recordings and over five hours of healing around a specific topic like skyrocketing our vibration, becoming at peace with money and letting your light shine.

Each day we will explore a different aspect of the main topic and clear many of the underlying issues. Most of the mp3 recordings contain a lot of healing, clearing and enlightenment energies for things like: 

Clearing self sabotage and anything we thought, felt, said or did that contributed to the issue;

Releasing our past history and expenences; 

Clearing dysfunctional religious prograrnming, influences, conditioning, patterns and programs;

Releasing limiting, negative and fearful beliefs and influences from mass consciousness;

And much, much more!

Releasing limiting, fearful and negative beliefs from our family-of-origin;

What You Receive When You Join This Magical 21 Day Journey With Me to Financial Peace of Mind!

In March, 2014, I offered this program to an exclusive group of people. It was so helpful and accomplished what it set out to do so well that I decided to release it to everyone as a self-directed, accelerated healing program. The core of this program is a series of over twenty audio recordings – that’s over FIVE HOURS of targeted healing – that I created for each day of the program.

The great thing about these audio recordings is that each time you listen to them, you will further deepen the healing work you have done so far, so you’re CONTINIOUSLY adding layer upon layer of healing. There is NO LIMIT to how much you can use these audio guides to further the material and spiritual richness of your life.

I want you to succeed SO MUCH that I am giving listeners a customized healing audio recording - a $97 value – when they order this program. I thought this was more than appropriate since we are all unique and we each face personalized challenges in our journey through life.

After you have listened to the program, email me (using the contact link off of the top navigation bar) a list of TEN issues that you would like energetic healing support with. After I get the list, I will not only transmit healing energies to you, but I will also produce an audio recording - specifically for you – to address these very issues.

I also added some AMAZING bonuses for people who order this program. First, you get my Money Healing Program, which includes my popular e-book Transform YOUR Relationship with Money, along with several of my exclusive money healing audio guides. And I’m not even finished. I will also include SEVEN accompanying money healing videos and audio recordings; additionally, I will share my powerful Money Alignment Process that I use PERSONALLY all the time and that I have never shared before. 

Day 1

Clearing, Healing and Releasing Blocks to Financial Peace of Mind and Help You to Clear Out any Self Sabotage, Resistance or Blocks You May Have Around Healing YOUR Relationship with Money. 

Day 2

Clearing Financial Stress, Fear, Anxiety, Tension and Worry from Not Only This Life But Also Past Lives, Parallel Lives and Future Ones.

Day 3

Clearing Your Genetics, Family of Origin Imprinting, Early Childhood Experiences and the Money Stories You Have Bought Into Energetically Around Money, Working, Abundance, Prosperity and Success.

Day 4

Clearing Lack and Scarcity Consciousness and All Negative Beliefs from Mass Consciousness and the Collective Unconscious. We will Also Clear Vows of Poverty and Religious Programming Around Money. 

Day 5

 Clearing Negative Self Talk and Anything You Have Thought, Felt, Said or Done that Repels Money Away from YOU.

Day 6

Clearing Negative Beliefs Around Money, Working, Abundance, Prosperity and Success. Identify How You Define Money or What Money Really Means to You and Clear Out the Bad Stuff. Some examples would include things like Money is Bad, Money is Unspiritual, Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees, I Can’t Afford It, You Have to Work Hard to Succeed, I Am Middle Class/Poor and Always Will Be, etc.

Day 7

Clearing Emotional Triggers and Charges Around Money, Working, Abundance, Prosperity and Success. Identify What You Really FEEL About Money and Clear Out the Bad Stuff. Some Examples Would Include Any Anger, Fear, Tension or Worry You Feel when You Think About Debt, Paying Your Bills, Saving for Retirement, etc.

Day 8

Clearing the Money Fears. This Includes Things Like Fear of Failure, Fear of Success, Fear of Change, Fear of Making Lots of Money, Fear of Losing Money, Fear that If You Make Money, No One Will Love You for Yourself, Fear the Universe is Out to Get You etc. 

Day 9

Clearing Money Anger, Rage and Resentment. We Will Explore and Clear Out Any Anger, Rage, Resentment You May Have Around Money, Credit Card Debt, Your Job, the Economy, Working, Wealthy People, Abundance, Prosperity and Success. Also Will Clear Anger Toward Yourself for What You Have Created Financially.

Day 10

Taming YOUR Money Monsters. Clearing Over Spending and Financial Self Sabotage, Clutter, Confusion, Denial, Disorders, Escapism, Overwhelm, Chaos, etc. 

Day 11

Clearing the Poor Me Syndrome: Stop Complaining and Wallowing in Financial Pity, Neediness, Drama, Victim Consciousness Unworthiness, Undeserving and Punishing Yourself. 

Day 12

Clear, Heal and Release ALL Subconscious Conflict, Personality Stuff,  Energetic Resistance and Negative Ego Programming that Block Your Ability to Heal Your Relationship with Money and to Be at Peace with Money. 

Day 13

Clearing, Healing and Releasing Your Financial Past History Energetically So You Can Begin with a Fresh Start. Clearing Bad Financial Choices, Decisions, Habits and Intentions You have Made Up Until Now. Forgiving Yourself, Others and Spirit so You Can Move Forward.

Day 14

Clearing Your Financial Glass Ceilings and Set Points: What Your Parents Earn, What Your Partner Earns, I Am Poor/Middle Class. Also Will Work on a Deeper Level on Clearing Out Limitations Based on Family Imprinting, Third Dimension Limitation, Mass Consciousness and Religious Programming.

Day 15

Opening to Receive: Clearing, Healing and Releasing Anything and Everything that Blocks, Limits or Restricts Your Ability, Capability and Capacity to Receive ALL of the Money, Wealth, Abundance, Prosperity and Success that the Universe Has for You NOW!

Day 16

Financial Clarity: Get Really Clear About Where You Are NOW Financially and Where YOU Want to Go in the Future Financially.

Day 19

Making the Most of Today – Energetic Support to Help You to Manage Your Time, Focus and Attention So You Can Become More Effective and Get More Done.

Day 17

Take Responsibility for YOUR Money and Personal Finances and Stop Blaming, Complaining and Giving Your Power Away to Others or to External Circumstances like the Economy.

Day 20

Become More Intuitive, Stop Procrastinating and Take Inspired Action Each Day. Also Will Provide Energetic Support to Help You to Expect the Best, Seize the Opportunities All Around You and Be in the Right Place at the Right Time with the Right People Doing the Right Things.

Day 18

Shifting to Prosperity Consciousness: Energetic Support to Help YOU to Focus More on What YOU Have and What is Working in YOUR Life Rather than Focusing on What is Missing and Lacking In YOUR Life.

Day 21

Becoming a Money Magnet: Clearing, Healing and Releasing Anything and Everything that Blocks, Limits or Restricts Your Ability, Capability and Capacity to Receive, Magnetize and Attract Your Highest Good, Money, Wealth, Abundance, Prosperity and Success! 

Ordering Information

The cost of the 21 Days to Financial Peace of Mind is just $333 and includes an hour long telephone healing session with Bill ($147 value).

Influx of new thoughts / feelings around money & finances;
Negative triggers / charges around my finances drastically reduced;
Less fearful of success!

Clearing Lack and Scarcity Consciousness;

Healing Our Relationship with Money;

Clearing Everything We Feel, Think, Say or Do that Repels Money Away From Us;

Clearing Negative Programming and Imprinting around Money from Our Family;

Clearing Negative Programming and Imprinting around Money Caused By Mass Consciousness; 

Clearing Vows of Poverty and Religious Programming around Money; 

And MUCH, MUCH More!

Ordering Information
My Thirty Day Money Back Guarantee

All of my Healing Support Programs are backed by my famous "up to the last minute" 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee - so you take no risk when you join now! Cancel at any time — even up to the last minute of the first thirty days after you join one — and receive a full refund of every penny you paid. I'm that confident that you'll LOVE this program. I'm betting you won't even think of asking for a refund once you EXPERIENCE the amazing healing results from working with me!

PS If you order today, I will also include a link to the Quantum Value Package for Enlightenment! 

Feedback from Some of My Many Happy Clients

“Thank you Bill. You have offered many free healing & life changing videos on youtube. You are truly a healers' healer and I am so grateful to have your assistance! Namaste!”

Tarek Bibi



“Bill and I met at a healing workshop. Bill was different since he was so focused on finding out what energy modalities could help others. He is humble, has integrity, and actually cares for his clients .”

“I started working with Bill’s healing products back in 2006. They have helped me so much. I would hate to think what my life would be like without them. I also strongly recommend the UCP he offers.” 

Michael Curren

Green Bay,


Alexander Baggett

Dallas/Fort Worth,


Best Selling Programs and Products

Guided Meditation MP3s

My series of guided meditations are some of the most powerful healing and enlightenment products I have ever created. Whenever I feel stuck, I often relisten to them and I always get amazing results.These cover areas like Embodying Our Soul, Healing Our Back, Opening to Receive, etc.

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