You Deserve to Heal Yourself and Feel Great!
I truly believe that we each have the ability to heal ourselves and feel great.
The ability to heal ourselves and feel great is our true inheritance and birthright as human beings - NOT a special gift limited to a small group of people.
The painful truth, however, is that most people NEVER activate their innate healing powers; NEVER see them come to fruition and NEVER realize their full potential.
and that’s just tragic.
It deeply saddens me that this is still happening on a MASS scale, even today.
I want to help people to awaken, activate and deepen their healing powers so they can be happy, healthy and feel great – on a consistent basis – day in and day out.
See, I was there once, in the same boat, depressed and sick. I refused to take responsibility for my life, health and well being and I felt that I was a VICTIM of circumstances and that I had NO control whatsoever over my life. I was DEFINITELY not happy or healthy and I felt miserable all of the time.
Over the past two decades, my life, and the lives of my clients, has undergone a huge transformation for the better. By awakening, activating and developing my healing gifts, I was not only able to heal my own life but also to help thousands of people around the world to heal their life as well.
I created this program to help YOU to unlock your OWN gifts and awaken the innate healing powers that allow you to heal yourself and to take control of your life, health and well-being.
Some of the areas we will be working with in this accelerated healing program include:
Clearing Fear, Stress, Anxiety, Tension and Worry;
Healing our Physical Body, Organs and Systems;
Enhance the Health, Well Being and Functioning of ALL of Our Relationships;
Clearing Blocks to Sleeping Easily, Deeply and Well;
And MUCH, MUCH more!
Are YOU Ready to Make a Quantum Leap?
One of the questions, clients often ask me is why is it so hard for me to clear, heal and release an imbalance, issue, challenge or condition. Often an imbalance reflects a lot of hidden unresolved issues in our consciousness. In a way the imbalance, challenge, issue or condition is just the tip of the iceberg. it is what everyone sees but what most people do not realize is that the bulk of the issue lies buried beneath the surface.
I created this series of focused, accelerated healing programs to help people to release a lot of hidden underlying stuff so that they can clear and heal the iceberg more quickly and effectively. Each of these program contains over 20 mp3 audio recordings and over five hours of healing around a specific topic like skyrocketing our vibration, becoming at peace with money and letting your light shine.
Each day we will explore a different aspect of the main topic and clear many of the underlying issues. Most of the mp3 recordings contain a lot of healing, clearing and enlightenment energies for things like:
Clearing self sabotage and anything we thought, felt, said or did that contributed to the issue;
Releasing our past history and expenences;
Clearing dysfunctional religious prograrnming, influences, conditioning, patterns and programs;
Releasing limiting, negative and fearful beliefs and influences from mass consciousness;
And much, much more !
Releasing limiting, fearful and negative beliefs from our family-of-origin;
What You Receive When You Join This Magical 21 Day Journey With Me to Heal YOURSELF and Feel Great!
In May, 2014, I gave this program to an exclusive group of people. It was so helpful that I decided to release it to everyone as an accelerated healing program. The core of this program is a series of over twenty audio recordings – that’s over FIVE HOURS of targeted healing – that I created for each day of the program.
The great thing about these audio recordings is that each time you listen to them, you will further deepen the healing work you have done so far. There is NO LIMIT to how much you can use these audio guides to further the happiness and healthiness of your life.
I want you to succeed SO MUCH that I am giving listeners a customized healing audio recording - a $97 value – when they order this program. I thought this was more than appropriate since we are all unique and we each face personalized challenges in our journey through life.
After you have listened to the program, email me (using the contact link off of the top navigation bar) a list of TEN issues that you would like energetic healing support with. After I get the list, I will not only transmit healing energies to you, but I will also produce an audio recording – specifically for you – to address these very issues.
You though I was done? THINK AGAIN: I am adding on the Quantum Value Package for Healing – a $127 value – FREE
Enhance the health, well being and functioning of our chakras, meridians, nadis and energetic spaces, fields, bodies and systems.
Enhance the health, well being and functioning or our genetics, DNA/RNA, chromosomes, genome, epi-genetics and epi-genome and clearing genetic damage, weaknesses, imbalances and predispositions to disease.
Enhance the health, well being and functioning of our physical body, cells, senses, organs and systems and releasing physical and energetic weaknesses, imbalances, illness and disease states.
Enhance the health, well being and functioning of our emotional body, blood and heart and clear, heal and release emotional trauma and inner child wounding.
Enhance the health, well being and functioning of our mental body, minds, brains, brain chemistry and personality.
Enhance our financial health, well being and functioning and clearing any blocks we may have to being at peace with money or healing our relationship with money.
Enhance the health, well being and functioning of our relationships and clearing any negative energies, influences, patterns or programs we took on energetically from our family of origin.
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve blocked, stuck, congested, confused, heavy, dense, dark, fearful, unloving, sad or negative energies, beings, influences, behaviors, programs and patterns.
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve fear, anxiety, stress, tension, self sabotage and worry.
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve depression, despair, anger, grief, sadness & all other downer emotions.
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve addictions, obsessions, phobias and addictive or obsessive triggers, paybacks, imprinting, patterns, programs, influences and behaviors.
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve blocks to being happy, joyful, grateful and peaceful.
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve aging and all blocks we may have to feeling great and looking fabulous.
Raise our vibration around our health, money and relationships.
Clear, transmute, heal, release and dissolve insomnia and sleep disorders and any blocks we may have to sleeping easily deeply and well every night.
Clear, heal and upgrade the health, well being and functioning of our minds and brains and realign them to the divine ideal blueprints for our minds and brains in the NOW.
Clear, heal and upgrade the health, well being and functioning of our back, neck and central nervous system and realign them to the divine ideal blueprints for our minds and brains in the NOW.
Clear, heal and upgrade the health, well being and functioning of our glands and endocrine gland system and realign them to the divine ideal blueprints for our minds and brains in the NOW.
Clear, heal and upgrade the health, well being and functioning of our blood, hormones, all body fluids and the water component of our body and realign them to the divine ideal blueprints for our minds and brains in the NOW.
Clear, heal and upgrade the health, well being and functioning of our immune system and increasing the flow of prana or life force energy.
Bring in coding for emotional mastery and emotional positivity: Cleansing all stress and fear and realigning ALL of our emotions with unconditional love.
The cost of the 21 Days to Heal Yourself and Feel Great is just $333 and
includes an hour long telephone healing session with Bill ($147 value).
Ordering Information
Healing Energetic Weaknesses, Imbalances, Illness and Disease States;
Healing Genetic Weaknesses and Genetic Predispositions to Disease;
Healing Emotional Trauma and Inner Child Wounding;
Healing Our Relationship to Money;
My Thirty Day Money Back Guarantee
All of my Healing Support Programs are backed by my famous "up to the last minute" 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee - so you take no risk when you join now! Cancel at any time — even up to the last minute of the first thirty days after you join one — and receive a full refund of every penny you paid. I'm that confident that you'll LOVE this program. I'm betting you won't even think of asking for a refund once you EXPERIENCE the amazing healing results from working with me!