21 Days to Let YOUR Light Shine
Are YOU Doing What You Came Here to Do?
I want to let you in on a PROFOUND secret. It’s something that you may never have known was hidden WITHIN you. It’s something special, something that can change your life FOREVER.
If you are reading these words, you are a HIGHLY EVOLVED soul, a HEALER, a LIGHTWORKER, who incarnated here to share your gifts with humanity and accomplish an important mission.
It is no coincidence that led you to this web site. We live in a vibrational universe where the vibration that we emanate out attracts to us the people, events and circumstances that are aligned with our soul mission and who we truly are.
Many of my clients are natural healers who are on a spiritual path themselves. Their innate healing and spiritual gifts are there to share with the world.
For a myriad of reasons, most people who come to me are seeking help to get clearer so they can do what they came here to do.
I specialize in helping people to heal themselves, to awaken and activate their spiritual gifts, to raise their vibration and to let their light shine so they can get their work out to the world in a bigger way.
I am here to change your life, just like I did with my past clients. I am here to clear away the blocks imposed by the external world and open you up to your FULLEST potential. First, answer the following questions to ensure that you TRULY need help uncovering your personal gift:
Are you a highly evolved soul, healer or lightworker who incarnated here to share your gifts with humanity and to accomplish an important soul mission?
Ever wondered why your TRUE potential is being squandered?
It is more important now than ever to raise your vibration, let your light shine through and get your gift and contribution out into the world – not only for yourself but for the rest of us as well.
If you feel stuck, my gift and sole purpose is to help you heal yourself and become UNSTUCK, so that you can realize your full potential and become empowered enough to do what you came here to do!
What You Receive When You Join My NEW Program
Essential Clearing and Balancing:
Over Twenty Healing Audio Guides:
Individualized Energy Healing for Each Participant:
EACH DAY I will transmit guiding energies to help you raise your vibration, allowing your true light to shine through. For 21 days I will work with the Creator to continuously infuse love, inner peace, health, joy, abundance and gratitude into all of your cells and energetic spaces, organs, systems and body.
EACH DAY I will also transmit healing energies that target key areas that are HINDERING your true light from SHINING. I will also prepare an energy-healing audio session for each day of the program. These sessions can be listened to over and over again for a cumulative spiritual effect, even after the original 21-day period has ended.
In order to meet the personal needs of each of my participants, I am granting everyone who joins my program a chance to email me a list of areas they need help and guidance in. I will then transmit specialized healing and enlightenment energy for 21 days to EVERY participant who asks for guidance.
Are YOU Ready to Make a Quantum Leap?
One of the questions, clients often ask me is why is it so hard for me to clear, heal and release an imbalance, issue, challenge or condition. Often an imbalance reflects a lot of hidden unresolved issues in our consciousness. In a way the imbalance, challenge, issue or condition is just the tip of the iceberg. it is what everyone sees but what most people do not realize is that the bulk of the issue lies buried beneath the surface.
I created this series of focused, accelerated healing programs to help people to release a lot of hidden underlying stuff so that they can clear and heal the iceberg more quickly and effectively. Each of these program contains over 20 mp3 audio recordings and over five hours of healing around a specific topic like skyrocketing our vibration, becoming at peace with money and letting your light shine.
Releasing our past history and expenences;
Clearing dysfunctional religious prograrnming, influences, conditioning, patterns and programs;
Releasing limiting, negative and fearful beliefs and influences from mass consciousness;
And much, much more !
Twenty One Days to Let Your Light Shine:
Day 1
Clear, heal and release any blocks, self sabotage or resistance we may have around embodying our soul, activating our healing and spiritual gifts, stepping up our game, letting our light shine and getting our world service and healing work out into the world.
Day 3
Grounding; grounding into our body; grounding our body, soul, love, light, world service work and ourselves into the physical plane of reality and clearing, healing and releasing patterns, programs, or influences around being spacey or being a space cadet.
Day 4
Clear, heal and release any blocks, self sabotage or resistance we may have around showing up, being present on all levels and being visible and clearing all fear that if we are visible that we will be hurt, punished or even persecuted for being different.
Day 5
Clear, heal and release any blocks, self sabotage or resistance we may have around not wanting to be here; not feeling like you belong here, not wanting to be in or have a physical body, not understanding the money thing, pretending to be normal, trying to live a normal life to please others and trying to lower your vibration to fit into the wacked out and dysfunctional mindset of mass consciousness.
Day 6
Clear, heal and release feeling torn up, conflicted, guilty and ambiguous about money; charging for our spiritual gifts or attracting the financial resources we need to let our light shine and get our work out into the world in a big way.
Day 7
Clear, heal and release any fear, blocks, self sabotage or resistance we may have around releasing our past, reclaiming our power, being true to ourselves, getting out of our head and into our heart and living authentically with passion from our heart in the NOW.
Day 8
Clear, heal and release any fear, blocks, self sabotage or resistance we may have around being weird, hiding energetically from others and ourselves, playing small and energetically buying into fear and third dimension density and limitation.
Day 9
Clear, heal and release any fear, blocks, self sabotage or resistance we may have around being connected with, listening to and honoring our intuition and inner guidance and getting really clear about who we are, why we are here, what we came here to do, how we are to do it and to take action aligned with our life purpose.
Day 10
Clear, heal and release the fears, doubt, inner conflict, self sabotage and negative ego programming that arise or get triggered whenever we choose to let our light shine and get our work out into the world in a bigger way – healing the Inner Critic, Judger, Mother, Father, Saboteur, Doubter and Fraud.
Clear, heal and release any fear, blocks, self sabotage or resistance we may have around and opening, awakening, activating and increasing our intuition and ALL of our spiritual and healing gifts and capabilities.
Day 13
Increase, expand and enhance our ability, capability and capacity for inner peace, compassion, clarity, wisdom and discernment.
Day 14
Increase, expand and enhance our ability, capability and capacity to focus on what is most important to get our work into the world in a bigger way, to persevere and to consistently do whatever we need to do to accomplish our objectives and to wisely manage our time, energy, attention, focus and all other resources.
Day 15
Clear, heal and release any fear, blocks, self sabotage or resistance we may have around opening, awakening and deepening our intuition, becoming more creative, realizing our full potential and tapping into the field of infinite potentiality to co-create heaven on earth with Spirit.
Day 16
Clear, heal and release any fear, blocks, self sabotage or resistance we may have around raising our vibration and the increasing the love and vibratory level of all of our world service work, products, services, web sites, promotional materials and work product.
Day 17
Clear, heal and release any fear, blocks, self sabotage or resistance we may have around owning and operating a business or healing practice, marketing, accounting, delegating, outsourcing, technology, web sites, advertising, asking for help and any other knowledge we need to accomplish our world service mission, to let our light shine and to get our work out into the world in a bigger way.
Day 18
Clear, heal and release any fear, blocks, self sabotage or resistance we may have around owning and operating a business or healing practice, marketing, accounting, delegating, outsourcing, technology, web sites, advertising, asking for help and any other knowledge we need to accomplish our world service mission, to let our light shine and to get our work out into the world in a bigger way.
Day 19
Clear, heal and release all procrastination, perfectionism, blocks to perseverance, inertia, not taking the action we need to take to let our light shine and to get our service work out into the world in a big way.
Day 20
Clear, heal and release all blocks to perseverance and taking action to let our light shine, to raise our vibration and to take action to move forward every day.
Day 21
Clear, heal and release all blocks to boosting our love and light quotients.
Ordering Information
The cost of the 21 Days to Let YOUR Light Shine is $333 and it includes a bonus of an hour long telephone healing session with Bill ($147 value).
Each day we will explore a different aspect of the main topic and clear many of the underlying issues. Most of the mp3 recordings contain a lot of healing, clearing and enlightenment energies for things like:
Clearing self sabotage and anything we thought, felt, said or did that contributed to the issue;
Releasing limiting, fearful and negative beliefs from our family-of-origin;
Clear, heal and release all negative, fearful, unloving, dark, heavy, dense, slow energies, beings, patterns, influences, behaviors, imprinting or programs that do not belong to us energetically that we have taken on from others or this world due to empathy.
Day 2
Are you determined to find your true path in life?
Are you doing what you came to this world to do or have you become stuck and sucked into the negative vortex of mass consciousness?
Day 11
Clear, heal and release any fear, blocks, self sabotage or resistance we may have around taking responsibility for every aspect of our lives, releasing our past; forgiving ourselves, others and spirit; reclaiming our power and living 100% in the NOW.
Day 12
My Thirty Day Money Back Guarantee
All of my Healing Support Programs are backed by my famous "up to the last minute" 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee - so you take no risk when you join now! Cancel at any time — even up to the last minute of the first thirty days after you join one — and receive a full refund of every penny you paid. I'm that confident that you'll LOVE this program. I'm betting you won't even think of asking for a refund once you EXPERIENCE the amazing healing results from working with me!