(MP3) How to Love & Care for Yourself – Seven Guidelines
How to Love Yourself – Seven Simple Guidelines to Live By
1. Honor Your Time and Energy. How we use our precious time and energy is really important. Whatever you focus your awareness upon grows so the quality of your life depends on what you focus your time and energy upon.
2. Be True to Yourself. You incarnated on this planet to ground the energy of your soul into a physical body and the physical plane of reality. We often become distracted by the pulls of the material world or by looking outside of ourselves for acceptance and approval.
3. Know that Your Number One Priority is to Take Care of Yourself. You can only help and serve other people to the extent that you take care of yourself.
4. Stop Sabotaging, Limiting and Beating Up on Yourself! The only person who can hold you back from achieving your goals and realizing your full potential is YOU!
5. Focus on the Positive! This goes back to honoring our time and energy. But if you choose to focus your time and energy upon negative, fearful and unloving people, events and circumstances, you become magnetic to more of them. When you shift your focus to the positive you align yourself energetically with receiving your highest good.
6. Forgive and Trust Yourself, Others and Spirit and Move Forward in Your Life! Bad stuff happens to all of us but the more you dwell upon it, the worst your life gets. Forgive yourself, others and spirit so you can move forward into your life rather than recreating the past over and over again.
7. Your Most Important Relationship is the One You Have With Yourself. Our relationships are often the most important aspect of our lives. The better the relationship you have with yourself, your body and your personality, the better ALL of the other relationships you have become.
I created a short healing mp3 for these seven principles. Enjoy!
If you enjoy this free mp3, you may also like the more detailed audio I created for the February 2015 Potluck Group Healing Session.