Skyrocket YOUR Vibration 21 Days Program: Take a Quantum Leap Into Realizing YOUR Full Potential!
Skyrocket Your Life in Only 21 DAYS Using My Most Comprehensive Product EVER on the SECRET Power of Vibration.
You may not know this, but one of the GREATEST ways to improve your relationship with yourself, your loved ones and the universe around you is by changing your VIBRATION.
You are limiting yourself if you don’t tend to the energetic vibrations that you emanate; after all, vibration is the fuel that propels us forward in life. Imagine how far your car would travel if it had NO FUEL? Yes, vibration is an OVERLOOKED but VITAL component of a progressive, healthy life.
Here’s the SHOCKING truth: most of us REPRESS and DRAMATICALLY LOWER our vibration. This HAMPERS our ability to accomplish what we were incarnated here to do and greatly diminishes the quality of our life.
See, we live in a vibration-oriented universe where everything that is manifested in the real world is a byproduct of the dance of our internal vibration: the TOTALITY of our thoughts, feelings, attitudes, actions, intentions and choices we make - often unconsciously.
Do you feel STUCK in life? The BEST way to move on to the next plateau is to become BIGGER than your challenges, and the way you become bigger is by raising your vibration.
This self-directed accelerated healing program helps you to the take all of the EXACT steps you need to easily skyrocket your vibration and dramatically improve your life for the better.
This program contains the following extraordinary audio guides:
Clear, Heal and Release Fear;
Accept, Like, Love, Trust and Accept Yourself;
Let Go of Third Dimension Limitation and Density;
Release Self-Sabotage and Anything We Thought, Felt, Said or Did that Lowers Our Vibrations;
And MUCH, MUCH More!
One of the questions, clients often ask me is why is it so hard for me to clear, heal and release an imbalance, issue, challenge or condition. Often an imbalance reflects a lot of hidden unresolved issues in our consciousness. In a way the imbalance, challenge, issue or condition is just the tip of the iceberg. it is what everyone sees but what most people do not realize is that the bulk of the issue lies buried beneath the surface.
Each day we will explore a different aspect of the main topic and clear many of the underlying issues. Most of the mp3 recordings contain a lot of healing, clearing and enlightenment energies for things like:
Releasing our past history and expenences;
Clearing dysfunctional religious prograrnming, influences, conditioning, patterns and programs;
Releasing limiting, negative and fearful beliefs and influences from mass consciousness;
And much, much more !
Are YOU Ready to Make Make a Quantum Leap?
In February, 2014, I offered this program to a small group of people. It was so successful in accomplishing what it set out to do that I decided to release it to everyone as a self-directed accelerated healing program. The core of this program is a series of over twenty audio recordings – that’s over FIVE HOURS of targeted healing – that I created for each day of the program.
The amazing thing about these recordings is that each time you listen to them you will further deepen the healing work you have done so far. There is no limit to how much you can use these audio guides to further the quality of your life.
I want you to succeed SO BADLY that I am giving participants a free telephone healing session - a $147 dollar value – when they order this program. I thought this was more than appropriate since we are all unique energetically and we each face personalized challenges in raising our vibration.
After you have listened to the program, email me (using the contact link off of the top navigation bar) to let me know when you want me to do the telephone healing session. Please give me several dates and times that you are available.
And I’m not finished. If you order NOW, I will include a download link to my Quantum Value Package for Enlightenment. That’s a $127 value!
Day 1
Clear, Heal, Release and Dissolve ALL of the Karma, Energetic Junk, Garbage and Crap You Have Created Whenever You Embraced, Expressed and/or Embodied a Lower-than-Love Vibration.
Day 3
Clear, Heal, Release and Dissolve ALL Negative, Fear-Oriented, Dysfunctional and Toxic Family of Origin, Genetic, Religious and Early Childhood Programming, Patterns and Influences that Lower YOUR Vibration.
Day 4
Clear, Heal and Release ALL Negative Third Dimension and Mass Consciousness Programming, Patterns and Influences that Lower YOUR Vibration.
Day 5
Clear, Heal, Release and Dissolve ALL Negative, Fearful, Dysfunctional and Toxic Self Talk and Everything You Have Thought, Felt, Said or Done that Lower YOUR Vibration.
Day 11
Clear, Heal and Release ALL Negative, Dysfunctional and Toxic Thoughts, Feelings, Habits, Behaviors, Attitudes, Programs, Patterns and Influences that Block Your Ability to Release Your Past.
Day 12
Clear, Heal and Release ALL Negative, Dysfunctional and Toxic Thoughts, Feelings, Habits, Behaviors, Attitudes, Programs, Patterns and Influences that Block Your Ability to Live with Passion from Your Heart and to Create a Life that Works.
Day 13
Clear, Heal and Release ALL Negative, Dysfunctional and Toxic Thoughts, Feelings, Habits, Behaviors, Attitudes, Programs, Patterns and Influences that Block Your Ability to Realize YOUR Full Potential, Live Authentically and Be True to Yourself.
Day 14
Clear, Heal and Release ALL Negative, Dysfunctional and Toxic Thoughts, Feelings, Habits, Behaviors, Attitudes, Programs, Patterns and Influences that Block Your Ability to Open Your Heart and to Embrace, Express and Embody Your Soul.
Day 15
Clear, Heal and Release ALL Negative, Dysfunctional and Toxic Thoughts, Feelings, Habits, Behaviors, Attitudes, Programs, Patterns and Influences that Block Your Ability for Being Open to Receive Your Highest Good and to Heal Your Relationship with Money.
Day 16
Clear, Heal and Release ALL Negative, Dysfunctional and Toxic Thoughts, Feelings, Habits, Behaviors, Attitudes, Programs, Patterns and Influences that Block Your Capability and Capacity for Clarity, Wisdom, Discernment and Becoming More Mindful About How You Think, Feel, Speak and Act.
Day 17
Clear, Heal and Release ALL Negative, Dysfunctional and Toxic Thoughts, Feelings, Habits, Behaviors, Attitudes, Programs, Patterns and Influences that Block Your Capability and Capacity for for Love, Gratitude and Inner Peace.
Day 18
Help You to Raise Your Vibration Around Your Money, Abundance, Prosperity and Success. Transmissions will be based on what the group wants to work in this area.
Day 19
Help You to Raise Your Vibration Around Your Relationship with Yourself, Others & Spirit.
Day 20
Help You to Raise Your Vibration Around Your Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Health and Well Being.
Day 21
Clear, Heal and Release ALL Negative, Dysfunctional and Toxic Thoughts, Feelings, Habits, Behaviors, Attitudes, Programs, Patterns and Influences that Block Your Capability and Capacity for Creating Heaven on Earth.
Ordering Information
The cost of this potent program is just $333! As a special signup bonus, participants who participate in this exciting program will receive a free, hour long telephone healing session with Bill Austin ($147 dollar value).
Are YOU Ready to Make Make a Quantum Leap?
Release Your Past;
Live With Passion From Your Heart;
Reclaim Your Power;
Live in the NOW;
I created this series of focused, accelerated healing programs to help people to release a lot of hidden underlying stuff so that they can clear and heal the iceberg more quickly and effectively. Each of these program contains over 20 mp3 audio recordings and over five hours of healing around a specific topic like skyrocketing our vibration, becoming at peace with moeny and letting your light shine.
Clearing self sabotage and anything we thought, felt, said or did that contributed to the issue;
Releasing limiting, fearful and negative beliefs from our family-of-origin;
Clear, Heal, Release and Dissolve ALL Negative, Dysfunctional and Toxic Past Life, Future Life and Parallel Life Seeds, Causes, Sources, Origins, Imprinting, Programming, Patterns and Influences that Lower YOUR Vibration.
Day 2
Day 6
Clear, Heal, Release and Dissolve with ALL Habits, Behaviors, Attitudes, Choices, Vows, Promises, Covenants and Intentions that Lower YOUR Vibration.
Day 7
Clear, Heal, Release and Dissolve ALL Subconscious Mind Conflict, Personality Stuff, Energetic Resistance and Negative Ego Programming that Lower YOUR Vibration.
Day 8
Reclaim the Personal Power You Have Given Away to Others and Take Charge of Your Personal Development, Spiritual Growth Path, Process and Evolution.
Day 9
Clear, Heal and Release ALL Negative, Dysfunctional and Toxic Thoughts, Feelings, Habits, Behaviors, Attitudes, Programs, Patterns and Influences that Block Your Ability to Accept, Like, Love, Forgive, Trust and Believe in Yourself 100%.
Day 10
Clear, Heal, Release and Dissolve ALL Negative, Dysfunctional and Toxic Thoughts, Feelings, Habits, Behaviors, Attitudes, Programs, Patterns and Influences that Block Your Ability to Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Heart.
My Thirty Day Money Back Guarantee
All of my Healing Support Programs are backed by my famous "up to the last minute" 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee - so you take no risk when you join now! Cancel at any time — even up to the last minute of the first thirty days after you join one — and receive a full refund of every penny you paid. I'm that confident that you'll LOVE this program. I'm betting you won't even think of asking for a refund once you EXPERIENCE the amazing healing results from working with me!