How Can I Serve: What Approach to Healing or World Service Do I Choose to Create?
When you become trained as a healer, usually you do not get an operating manual about how to create your practice. But I really encourage...

Wealth is a Matter of Consciousness: Rich People Really Do Think Differently than People who Struggl
Rich people think differently than people who struggle with money. In a way our subconscious mind functions much like a software program....

Enhance the Quality of Your Life by Taking Yourself OFF of Auto Pilot
When spiritual teachers talk about humanity being asleep, I feel that they are talking about the fact that most of humanity is unaware of...

The IFFCAA Approach to the Law of Attraction
We each have what I call a material mind and a super-conscious mind that is part of the Mind of the Creator. Universal Mind in a lot of...

The ABC’S of Spiritual Growth: Attitude, Balance, Commitment and Service
I feel that enlightenment really involves is accepting the light that already exists within each of us and in every one and every thing....

Ten Underlying Principles of Financial Management
1. We live in an era where change is a way of life. Most of us won’t be able to work 20 to 30 years for one company and retire on a nice...

Parental Programming from Childhood Is Potent Stuff
I was in Panera’s Bakery the other day and as I went to get my green tea, I saw one of the customers furtively take two of the tea bags...

Living in the World of Infinite Potentiality
Long, long ago, Spirit/God/Goddess created a lovely world and when they thought about what the soul purpose of the world would be, they...

Approaching Accelerated Change from a Stance of Mindfulness as Opposed to Multitasking
When I first learned the term “multitasking” years ago I was thrilled. Do several things simultaneously! Get more done. Become more...

What the Heck is Spiritual Healing and How Can It Help Me?
What is Spiritual Healing and Why does it Work? Many of my clients have some very basic questions about what is energy or spiritual...